What is transported in multimodal transport?

As we have previously advanced, multimodal transport consists of the transfer or transport of goods both nationally and internationally articulating different means of transport. In addition, in multimodal transport, unlike other types, load breakage is allowed, that is, the merchandise is changed in packaging or unit load during the journey. An example would be the transport of cement inside a tank container on a maritime ship and, later, for its transport by land, the cement is transferred to a special tank container for trucks.

Advantages of multimodal transport:

One of the advantages of multimodal transport for the contracting company is having a single interlocutor throughout the process, without having to hire different logistics operators. In this way, administrative costs are saved, by having to carry out a single contract, and the possibility of communication problems at some point in the transport is reduced. As they are controlled by a single transport operator, the possibility of of the loss of merchandise. The certainty of the delivery date is much greater, since it is the sole operator that hires all the necessary transport for it. As there is no load break, times are reduced – and costs — Handling. The logistics operator will be the one who advises us on the route or combination of means that is fastest and most competitive for our delivery, thus reducing costs and deadlines. Monitoring and traceability of goods is easier. the merchandise. In short, multimodal transport is very useful in the case of the movement of merchandise internationally, since, with the convenience of having a single logistics operator, co, we add the cost reduction of signing a single contract. The speed of delivery and the lower cost allow users of multimodal transport to offer their products at a more competitive price and respond more quickly to market demands.
Multimodal transport and its great importance: