What are the 5 logistics operators?

Types of logistics operators: 1PL, 2PL, 3PL and 4PL

The main types of logistics operators start from a classification organized according to the areas they are in charge of executing. They are commonly known as 1PL, 2PL, 3PL, and 4PL, with “PL” referring to Party Logistics, that is, logistics providers. These are:

1PL logistics operators are the companies that take charge of their land logistics. Therefore, they have no need to subcontract providers. The company itself has the capacity to store and transport its merchandise. This type of operator is typical of small production companies.

Second Party Logistics

The 2PL logistics operators are the ones in charge of providing the means for the transport of goods and storage. The contracting companies manage the logistics of these resources. The providers only facilitate the use of their resources, without carrying out their management.